Create an EAV Model in Magento2 in simple way. Employee entity,as per requirements,is modeled as an EAV model. First create an EAV model class,have to define under the app/code/Skynet/Office/Model/Employee.php file as follows: Extending from the Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel class,which is the same as with the simple model previously described. Next,we create an…

Department entity,as per requirements,is modeled as simple model.lets model class,resource class,add collection class form one unit.First we have to create model class,defined under the /app/code/Skynet/Office/Model/Deparment.php file as belows:- Extending from \Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel class and triggering the $this->_init method within _construct passing it to resource class.

We will create a module called Skynet_Office. The module will have two entities define below: Deparment:A simple model with following fields: entity_id : primary key name : name of department,string value 2.Employee:an Eav model with following fields and attributes : Fields: entity_id : primary key. department_id : foreign key,pointing to…

How to install Magento2 using Command Prompt in Ubuntu 17.0.4 install Magento2 using Command Prompt in Ubuntu 17.0.4   Magento2  is a powerful,highly,scalable and highly customizable e-commerce platform that can be used to build web shops and,if needed,some non-e-commerce sites.Its provide a large number of e-commerce features out of the…