How to get title and content according to page name in WordPress. Get title and content according to page in WordPress Use the following code in you php page:- <?php $my_posts=get_page_by_title(‘yourpagename’, OBJECT,’page’); ?> <?php echo $my_posts->post_title;?> <?php echo $my_posts->post_content;?> <img src=”<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($val));?>”> Step:-Give ur page name into ‘yourpagename’…

How to change wp-admin password in WordPress. change wp-admin password in WordPress. To Change the Wp-Admin password use the following steps and code:- Step1:-Go to or in your  MySQl database. Step2:-Open your database then press ENTER. Step3:-Then go to Table: wp_users  open the table by pressing Enter. Step4:-U will…