To Create database from local file by using terminal:- At first open terminal (CTRL + ALT + T) and then type this following code:- Example:- Here:- Username = admin Password = admin37 New database = new_db Database want to import = demo_db.sql as this format:- mysql -u user_name(username of database)…

Open terminal (CTRL + ALT + T) and then depending on action use this following code. To import database from local *.sql file by using terminal:- OR if you have a database username(as admin) and password(as admin137). Use this following code:-

97% of bloggers displays all of their posts the same way on their home page. Sure, WordPress has no built-in option to let we define how a post displayed.But wait: with custom fields,we can do it easily. Define how a post is displayed on our home page. Two values are…

By default, WordPress debugging is turned off, so to enable it, open wp-config.php (tip: take a backup copy of this file that we can revert to later if needed) in the root of our WordPress installation and look for this line: Replace that line with the following:- With those lines…

To implement a selective blog feed that can be placed on a front page template or anywhere else in the design.Many CMS implementations feature some selected items from the blog feed on the home page, or even throughout the site in a sidebar or footer element 1st Step: Go to…

A rewind_posts() function is used to reset the post query and loop counter,allowing us to do another Loop using same content as first Loop.Place this function call directly after finishing first loop. Example:- Here is an example that processes the main Loop content twice:
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i’m a web developer that specializes in Magento2
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