Hyperloop:- Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger or freight transportation, first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX. Drawing heavily from Robert Goddard’s vactrain, a hyperloop is a sealed tube or system of tubes through which a pod may travel free of air resistance or…

We will create a module called Skynet_Office. The module will have two entities define below: Deparment:A simple model with following fields: entity_id : primary key name : name of department,string value 2.Employee:an Eav model with following fields and attributes : Fields: entity_id : primary key. department_id : foreign key,pointing to Department.entity_id email :email of an…

Bio-refrigerators: In a valiant effort to rethink the ubiquitous refrigerator — which has seen few design changes since the invention of freon fridges in the 1930’s — Russian designer Yuriy Dmitriev has unveiled a fresh-looking, gel-filled appliance of the future. His Bio Robot Refrigerator utilizes a special gel-like substance that suspends and cools food once…

How to get the content of the page according to page id in WordPress:- Get the content of the page according to page id in wordpress. Use the following code:- <?php $my_postid = 14;//This is page id or post id $content_post = get_post($my_postid); $content = $content_post->post_content; $content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $content); $content = str_replace(‘]]>’, ‘]]&gt;’, $content);…

How to install Magento2 using Command Prompt in Ubuntu 17.0.4 install Magento2 using Command Prompt in Ubuntu 17.0.4   Magento2  is a powerful,highly,scalable and highly customizable e-commerce platform that can be used to build web shops and,if needed,some non-e-commerce sites.Its provide a large number of e-commerce features out of the box. A high-level overview of…

How to get title and content according to page name in WordPress. Get title and content according to page in WordPress Use the following code in you php page:- <?php $my_posts=get_page_by_title(‘yourpagename’, OBJECT,’page’); ?> <?php echo $my_posts->post_title;?> <?php echo $my_posts->post_content;?> <img src=”<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($val));?>”> Step:-Give ur page name into ‘yourpagename’ which u set in your…